Wednesday, November 19, 2014

School Wide Behavior Chart

I wanted to explain and show the behavior chart that we use at Parkside School. You can see the colors-purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. We always start our day at green- ready to learn. If a child is excelling in a good behavior his or her clothes pin can be moved up to blue or purple- great job and outstanding. If a child is not cooperating with class rules and expectations his or her clothes pin will be moved down to yellow. This means think about the behavior and try to get self-control. If the behavior continues to orange there is a teachers choice consequence. In my classroom this may mean apologize, time out, or miss five minutes of play. If the behavior continues the child's clothespin is moved to red-which means parent contact. I will let you know about the day. This works well with clear expectations and consistency. If you have any questions about this, feel free to contact me.